Manic Monday it is...they always feel manic after a wonderful weekend comes to an end. The weekends are always great and they are great because you can forget everything on your to-do list and just "be free", free to do whatever your heart desires!
Manic Monday-Bangles
My weekend started Friday night by going to dinner at Dilworth Neighborhood Grille here, watching the Braves game and then meeting up with friends downtown. Saturday began with blueberry muffins (love), the farmers market, and going to get a new kitchen table! I found one on Craigslist and got it for $130, it is a round old oak table with 4 chairs and 2 leafs that extend the table to seat 6 comfortably, I am so excited to have it and hopefully will begin the antiquing processing this weekend! Saturday night we had some friends over for dinner, we had goat cheese and sun dried tomato brushetta, salad with lots of veggies from the farmers market, lasagna, and peach cobbler..yummo! After dinner we went to our favorite spot the Comet for a few beers and live music. Sunday was the big day..SKYDIVING, I was so nervous the whole way up to Rockwell, even though I was only a spectator. A lot of people came out to watch as Jay (Matt's dad) jumped out of an airplane, this is not my kind of all, I really don't even like to know that it is happening! First of all the plane was tiny and we watched as it went higher, and higher, and HIGHER! When he jumped all you could see was a dot, and there was silence for about 45 seconds until the parachute opened, it was really awesome to see in the end and once everyone was back on solid ground, I could breathe again! It was great to see Matt's family for the day, and I just hope that Matt doesn't get any ideas about skydiving, because he is NOT going!

Now on to this Manic to-do list is growing by the second, as it normally does and I for some reason find it necessary to add things that I have already done or am about to do just for the pure joy of crossing it off, which in turn makes my list look HUGE and gives me stress! I also rewrite the list multiple times a day, like when it starts to look "messy", and now I have come to realize that rewriting the to-do list is only giving me something else TO-DO! It has to stop! But no matter how organized or prepared you are to take on the week, Mondays are Mondays, and they will always be Manic!
PS- I know everyone is getting super excited about The Help coming out the first week in August and I am definitely one of those people! I read the book last summer and LOVED it! I can not wait to see the movie, and decided that I am going to read the book again this week just to refresh! If you haven't read it, you MUST!